Female student Flight Simulator

Aerospace Engineering

Within the Aerospace Engineering Department at Swansea University, we are committed to equipping our students, delivering world-leading research and growing our extensive links with industry and academic partners to transform the future of the aerospace industry in Wales, the UK and beyond.

At the heart of our endeavours is the urgent challenge to reduce the climate impact of aviation and harness space technology to better understand the challenges facing our planet.

Our exciting degree programmes provide undergraduate students the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of the technology that underpins the aerospace industry from aerodynamics to structural design and aircraft dynamics.

Our large cohort of postgraduate research students, working closely with our industry partners, including Airbus, Rolls-Royce and Reaction Engines, are working on projects ranging from the development of pioneering methods for harnessing AI computational optimisation for aerodynamic design, materials testing and characterisation for next generation gas turbines through to novel miniature space thrusters for satellites.

The academic staff within the Department are working across four broad research areas: aerodynamics, design/optimisation and flight simulation; computational and structural modelling methods; materials and propulsion; and space systems. Much of the research conducted in the Department is carried out in collaboration with industry and has led to direct impact on projects ranging from the design of the Bloodhound Land Speed Record car, the development of Rolls-Royce’s future-generation jet engines and development of the Reaction Engines ‘Skylon’ spaceplane.

Aerospace Engineering Webinars


How can something with so much maths be fun?

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Aerospace Engineering at Swansea University

Why study Aerospace Engineering at Swansea University

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Aerospace Engineering is Accredited by...

Engineering Council Logo
IMechE Logo
Royal Aeronautical Society