Domestic Rankings

Domestic league tables measure university performance across a range of indicators such as student satisfaction, graduate outcomes, research quality and university spend. 

TableRankNo. Institutions RankedRank 3 years ago
Guardian University Guide 2025 29th 122 24th
Times Good University Guide 2024 41st 132 39th
Complete University Guide 2025 37th 130 29th

Best Performing Metrics

MetricBest Performing Institution RankTable/Source
Overall student satisfaction 15th StudentCrowd University Awards 2022
Career Prospects 32nd Guardian University Guide 2025
Research Rating 46th  Times Good University Guide 2024


World Rankings

International league tables measure university performance across metrics such as reputation, citations and international profile. Swansea University has achieved its highest ever ranking in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings. The University now appears among the top 300 elite institutions across the globe.

TableRankNo. Institutions Ranked
THE World University Rankings 2024 251-300 >1600
QS World University Rankings 2025 298 1503
Academic Ranking of World Universities 2024 501-600 1000

Best Performing Metrics

MetricBest Performing Institution RankTable
Research Quality 129th THE World Rankings University 2024
International Outlook 132nd THE World Rankings University 2024
International Students 249th QS World Rankings University 2025
International Faculty 277th QS World Rankings University 2025
International Research Network 286th QS World Rankings University 2025
Sustainability 80th QS World Rankings University 2025

Subject Overview

In addition to its strong performance at university level, Swansea is also well ranked for a number of subjects across both the domestic and international league tables.

Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2024

The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings assesses global universities against the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Swansea University submitted to 6 of the 17 goals and was ranked in all 6 categories.  

Overall World Rank: 65th

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being: 40th

SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities: 49th  

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production: 9th

SDG 15: Life on Land: 19th

SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions: 26th

SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals: 101-200th