Natural Products BioHUB logo

The BioHUB aims to bring together business, industry and world-class academic expertise, combined with highly qualified researchers and technical experts, to help drive cutting edge research, development and innovation within the Natural Product Sector.

This will promote the development of novel high-value natural products, to underpin a growing and internationally competitive Natural Product Sector, creating more business and jobs within the region. 

The University has an excellent track record in working with Our Business Partnerships and Industry. The BioHUB will further strengthen established long-term collaborations, as well as foster new ones. 

How we've worked with business and industry
Infographic showing 30+spinouts supported
Infographic showing 40 companies are co-located on campus
Infographic demonstrating impact business improvement

Facilities and Resources

Image of a female biology researcher using a microscope in a laboratory

Stakeholder consultation will help develop BioHUB facilities and resources to support the needs and demands of business and industry, including: 

  • Spin-out and incubation space.
  • Screening platforms.
  • Analytical equipment. 
  • Specialised laboratories.
  • Natural product Bank and IP. 
  • Areas for networking and community engagement.

Business Support

Industry research partners infographic stating there are 508 Industry Research partners.

The Natural Product BioHUB will provide access to:

  • The University’s collaborative network LINC which enables organisations to connect with each other and access resources and expertise to support their growth.  
  • Expertise to enhance Research, Design and Innovation capacity  
  • Research development and Industry led funding opportunities
  • Advice and support on IP Protection and Business, Finance and Grant applications


Image of microalgae lab
Image of a female scientist inspecting an algal sample
BioHUB logo

In Partnership with Swansea Council and funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund