PC Emma Warner-Brindley

PC Emma Warner-Brindley

PCSO Clive Dainton

PCSO Clive Dainton

Safer Students aims to provide crime prevention, safety and general advice for all university students across South Wales.

Safer Students is a collaborative project between South Wales Police and all south Wales universities (Cardiff University, Cardiff Metropolitan University, University of South Wales (Treforest & Atrium), Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Swansea University and University of Wales Trinity Saint David).

Our dedicated Student Liaison Officers are on hand to help you settle in to your new campus and also to provide you with the knowledge you need to keep yourself and your friends safe.

You can find out more information by visiting the Safer Students website HERE

Always Report It - Poster

Sextortion: Always report it

Sextortion happens when someone threatens to share your private and sexual content online unless you meet their demands

You can get more information and support over at revengepornhelpline.org.uk.

Don't give thieves an easy ride!

Bicycles are a great form of transport around your new city. However, they are also attractive targets for thieves as they are easy to steal and sell on. Make sure your bike is insured and registered with immobilise.com.

Don't give thieves an easy ride - poster
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Student houses are prime targets for burglars

Your house should be your safe space, so let’s keep it that way

Remember, you can register your valuables over at www.immobilise.com

Sex without consent is RAPE

Always make sure the other person wants it to happen and if they do not, always stop. They cannot consent if they are drunk, drugged, asleep, or unconscious. A person can only give consent if they have capacity to do so. Remember, if you change your mind and are not comfortable, you can and should always say no.

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say no to drugs - poster

Say NO to drugs

Drug dealing/consuming drugs can both have devastating effects on people's lives. If you are offered drugs or you are offered forms of payment for delivering drugs, always say no – you could inadvertently be drawn into an organised crime group.

If you’re concerned about drug use/dealing always report it.

Think before you post!

Social media is now a huge part of most people's lives, and is a great way to connect with others. But be mindful that not everyone you meet online is genuine, and your behaviour is broadcast for all to see. Think about what you post and who can see it – if you wouldn’t be comfortable with a stranger seeing it, don’t post it.

What goes online, stays online - poster

Heading home after a night out? Looking to grab a taxi to the train station? Make sure you check your driver and vehicle are licensed! This document can help you ensure that the taxi you are taking is a safe taxi - Safe Taxi - What to check