Christian Events

Regular Christian Worship on Campus.

Service of Holy Eucharist

Tuesdays, 12.00pm @ The Lighthouse Singleton Campus 


Informal Service of Morning Prayer

Wednesdays, 9.00am @ The Lighthouse, Singleton Campus

These services will be in the Anglican (Church in Wales) tradition, but everyone is very welcome including those who are faith curious.


Roman Catholic Mass

Wednesdays, 1.15pm @ The Haven Bay Campus / Fridays 1.15pm @ The Lighthouse Singleton Campus


Interdenominational Christian Prayer Meetings

Thursdays, 12.00pm @ The Lighthouse, Singleton Campus.


Quaker Meetings

First Monday of the month, 1pm @ The Lighthouse Singleton Campus.

Third Monday of the month, 1pm @ The Haven Bay Campus


Interfaith Prayers for Peace

Mondays 1pm @ The Haven, Bay Campus and via Zoom

Contact us at for the zoom link.

Social Events

Chaplaincy / Faith Support

Rev’d Gaynor Jones-Higgs is a full time Christian Chaplain employed by the University to minister to Christians in the University community. She is an Ordained Priest in the Church in Wales. Gaynor is based at the Lighthouse on Singleton Campus.

The managing Chaplain, Rev'd Mandy Williams, is also an ordained priest in the Church in Wales.

Gaynor Co-ordinates a team of Volunteer Associate Chaplains and Faith Representatives that assist us in ministry. More details can be found in the Meet the Team section.


Rev'd Gaynor Jones-Higgs
Ian Patterson

Associate Chaplain Ian Patterson (Baptist) usually visits the Lighthouse on Wednesday afternoons and is available for chaplaincy support. 


All chaplains, associate chaplains and faith reps can be contacted via

Prayer/Quiet Spaces On Campus

There are Prayer / Quiet Rooms on both campuses. These are usually open from 8.30am – 8.00pm and can be found in The Haven on Bay Campus (next to the Sports Hall) and in The Lighthouse on Singleton Campus (on the side of Fulton House).

For directions to the Lighthouse - CLICK HERE

For directions to the Haven - CLICK HERE

Student Societies and Local Congregations