Students studying together/ Myfrywyr sy'n astudio gyda'i gilydd

Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) is located in the Kowloon Tong region of Hong Kong. Summer in Hong Kong is long, hot and humid and winters are generally very mild however there is a cool sea breeze. Typhoons can occur in Hong Kong between June and September. Class sizes in HKBU are small meaning that students are able to receive a more personalised learning experience. There are also over 80 societies and clubs that you can participate in.  Students are able to access on campus accommodation.

Full year exchange students have an option to do a unique Extended Study Programme: spending the 1st semester in Hong Kong and the 2nd semester on their Zhuhai campus in the Greater Bay Area.

It will not be possible to complete a year abroad at this University if you have any assessments, such as supplementary or deferred exams, during the August assessment period at Swansea University.