Who We Are

Global challenges to liberal order require transdisciplinary solutions, drawing on expertise from across the humanities, social sciences, law and politics, technology, and beyond.

The Geo-political Challenges Research Institute brings together researchers to examine global challenges arising from conflict, collaborating to form interdisciplinary research projects.

We aim to unite researchers seeking solutions to international issues, examining activities beneath the level of armed conflict and war, and illegal activities which cross the threshold into wars of all types. It is through collaborative research that we can best analyse these complex issues and provide considered, multidimensional responses.

What We Do

The Institute facilitates discussions between academics and supports transdisciplinary research initiatives through events and introductions. Member interests are dynamic and will develop. Our main overall research themes explore and analyse the ‘human’ element of geo-political challenges, and their societal impact. Key areas of interest are:

Global challenges to the liberal order

people protesting

Hybrid warfare


Building resilience for crisis mitigation



Our activities include

  • Developing interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary funding proposals
  • Co-creating research to deliver impact with non-academic partners
  • Fostering interdisciplinary conversations via regular events for members
  • Organising guest lectures, research seminars and symposia
  • Mentoring researchers in geo-political challenges research
  • Supporting PGR research
  • Developing international networks and collaborations

How you can take part

We welcome interest from academics at all stages of their career working across the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and beyond. Please reach out to Institute Director, Dr Kris Stoddart k.d.stoddart@swansea.ac.uk with: ideas for new collaborations; research bids; ways we can interact with other researchers; and requests for help with research proposals, including writing advice and guidance. Kris can provide help and information.

About the Director: Dr Kristan (Kris) Stoddart is an Associate Professor in Cyber Threats, working across disciplines. He is a member of staff in Politics, Philosophy, and International Relations but began at the Hillary Rodham Clinton School of Law before joining the department of Criminology, Sociology, and Social Policy. Dr Stoddart still works with these departments/schools and across the School of Social Sciences as well as across faculties. Aside from being Institute Director, he is also member of CYTREC and is an expert on nuclear weapons and cyber security, espionage, hybrid warfare, and international security more broadly.