Where we live and work heavily influences our lives. In south west Wales, our unique landscape, history and culture provide hope and opportunity for some people but act as barriers for others.

History shows us that deprivation and social inequality persists in certain places, affecting generations of families and entire communities. However, it is more subtle than that: the characteristics of a single neighbourhood can be seen as positive by one person and not by another.

To try and address this, policy in Wales and the UK has recently shifted to recognise that different places often need different support. It’s when communities come together to solve local challenges that we can make real change – both for ourselves and for others experiencing shared challenges across the globe.

We are launching a new Local Challenges Research Office (LCRO) to help promote understanding of the challenges and opportunities that communities are experiencing across the region. In this first stage, our desire is to listen to your thoughts about our region, and how the office should function. We want to build a foundation to work together and, towards, the coproduction of cohesive communities in south west Wales.

Find out more about Local Challenges Research Office Principles of Co-Creation with Local Communities with this guide.

Find out about more about our recent place-based activity