Contact Us

If you have a Quick Query, please feel free to contact us via our ICL Live Chat feature - simply click the link and one of our team will be happy to help. If you need advice that cannot be answered quickly, an Adviser may advise you to email us the details or arrange a further meeting or chat with you via alternative means.

Please note: We are currently receiving an extraordinary amount of communications and many students are using Live Chat to 'chase up' or ask the same questions that they have already posed to us via email. This is causing an unnecessary duplication of work which we are keen to avoid in order to ensure everyone is getting a response as quickly as possible and staff are not answering the same queries twice. Please refrain from contacting multiple teams about the same query as this also generates unnecessary communication traffic and makes it harder for staff to answer all queries quickly - we are sure you can appreciate that. Please rest assured we really are answering emails as quickly as we can.

From Monday 16 September until Friday  27 September  ICL advisors will be present and available for queries at the right to study venues on both Singleton and Bay campus.

During this time advisors will still be answering emails so please continue to contact us by email as Live Chat is unavailable.

Live Chat for Quick Queries during the Summer is available at days/times designated below:

Monday 2pm - 3pm

Thursday 2pm - 3pm

Friday 10am - 11am

If offline, please check our International Student FAQs (for the answers to some of the most popular questions we hear) and main International@CampusLife page for any service updates and alternative contact methods.

International@CampusLife Live Chat

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