Andrew's Research Record


Damages, Recoveries and Remedies in Shipping Law (2023), Informa Law (as consulting editor)

Disruptive Technologies, Climate Change and Shipping (2022), Informa Law (with Professor Soyer)

Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Shipping: Developing the International Legal Framework (2021), Hart Publishing (with Professor Soyer)

Contractual Duties: Performance, Breach, Termination and Remedies (3rd ed) (2020, Sweet & Maxwell) with A., Virgo, G., Clarke, M., & Andrews, N

Ed., Ship Operations: New Risks, Liabilities and Technologies in Maritime Sector (2021), Informa Law (with Professor Soyer)

Admiralty Claims, (2020), Sweet and Maxwell, (with Professor Rose)

Ed., New Technologies, Artificial Intelligence and Shipping Law in 21stCentury, (2020), Informa Law (with Professor Soyer) 

Ed., Charterparties: Law, Practice and Emerging Legal Issues (2018, Informa Law, ISBN 978-1138304048) (with Professor Baris Soyer)

Part Ed, Marsden's Collisions At Sea (16th ed, 2016), Sweet & Maxwell, ISBN 978-0414045750

Ed, International Trade and Carriage of Goods (2016, Informa, ISBN 978- 1138184565) (with Professor Baris Soyer)

Ed, Ship Building, Sale & Finance (2015, Informa, ISBN 978-1-138-84111-6) (with Professor Baris Soyer)

Halsbury's Laws of England (5th ed), Vol 29, Damages (2015)

Ed., Offshore Contracts and Liabilities, (2014),  pp. 488, Informa (with Professor Baris Soyer)

Part Ed., Clerk & Lindsell on Torts  (21st ed, 2014), Sweet & Maxwell, ISBN  978-0414053106

Book chapters

‘Anti-suit Injunctions in International Litigation Two Important Niche Issues’ published as Chapter 8 in Soyer (ed), Commercial Disputes, (2024, Informa Law)

“The Reflective Loss Doctrine and Shipping Law: Can We Write It Off Yet?” as Chapter 2 in Damages, Recoveries and Remedies in Shipping Law (2023), Informa Law, pp. 17-25

“Shipping, Distributed Ledgers and Private Maritime Law” as Chapter 1 in Disruptive Technologies, Climate Change and Shipping (2022), Informa Law, pp. 1-8

‘International Regulation of Shipping and Unmanned Vessels’ as Chapter 1 in Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Shipping: Developing the International Legal Framework (2021), Hart Publishing (with Professor Baughen), pp 7-23

‘Autonomous Ships and Private Law Issues’ as Chapter 3 in Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Shipping: Developing the International Legal Framework (2021), Hart Publishing (with Professor Soyer), pp 63-80

‘Actions in Rem, Arrest and Insolvency” published as Chapter 10 in Ship Operations: New Risks, Liabilities and Technologies in Maritime Sector (2021), Informa Law pp 147-155.    

‘The Duty to Take Delivery of Goods’ published as Chapter 9 in The World of Maritime and Commercial Law (Hart Publishing, 2020), pp. 151-164

'Shipping- Product Liability Goes High-tech" published as Chapter 9 of New Technologies, Artificial Intelligence and Shipping Law in 21st Century (Informa 2019), pp. 116-127 

‘The Arrest Conventions: An Update Needed?’ published as Chapter 13 of  Maritime Liabilities in a Global and Regional Context, (Informa, 2018), pp. 191-203

‘Damages for Underlap in Time Charterparties: Three Subversive Suggestions’ published as Chapter 6 of Charterparties: Law, Practice and Emerging Legal Issues, (2018, Informa Law, ISBN 978-1138304048)

‘Late Payment of Claims- Better but No Means Perfect’ published as Chapter 6 of M. Clarke & B. Soyer (ed), Insurance Act 2015: A New Regime for Commercial and Maritime Law (2016, Informa, ISBN 978-1138683303)

‘I’ll Perform When You Do: Non-performance and the Suspension of Contractual Duties’ published in K. Barker & K Fairweather & R. Grantham, Private Law in the 21st Century (2016, Hart Publishing, ISBN 978-1509908585)  

‘Lending on Waybills and Other Documents- Banker’s Dream of Financier’s Nightmare’ published at Chapter 13 of B. Soyer & A Tettenborn, International Trade and Carriage of Goods (2016, Informa, ISBN 978- 1138184565)

‘The Negligent Broker: Three Problems in the Assessment of Damages’, published as Chapter 3 of Rhidian Thomas (ed), The Modern Law of Marine Insurance (Vol 4) (2015, Informa, ISBN 978-1-138-89139-5)

‘Contracting by Numbers: The Different Characteristics of the Main Shipbuilding Contracts’, published as Chapter 1 of B. Soyer & A. Tettenborn (eds), Ship Building, Sale and Finance (2015, Informa, ISBN 978-1-138-84111-6)

Offshore Injury: Whose Jurisdiction, What Law? published as Chapter 13 of B.Soyer & A.Tettenborn (eds),Offshore Contracts and Liabilities (2014, Informa, ISBN 978-0-415-73751-7).


“Artificial Intelligence and Civil Liability—Do We Need A New Regime?” (2022) International Journal of Law and Information Technology 385 (with Prof Soyer).

“Shipping Law, Brexit and the City of London” (2022) Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 123

“Security over Personalty: Property, Obligation and Specific Performance” (2022) Law Quarterly Review 101

“Transfer of Chattels by Non-Owners: Still An Open Problem” (2018) Cambridge Law Journal 151  

“The Protection of Data in Our Digital Age” (2017) Journal of Business Law 461

“Mapping (Utmost) Good Faith in Insurance Law- Future Conditional?” (2016) Law Quarterly Review 618 (with Professor Soyer)

“Of Bunkers and Retention of Title” (2016) Lloyd’s Maritime & Commercial Law Quarterly 24

“Good Faith, The DCFR and Shipping Law” (2015) 7 Eur Journal of Commercial Contract Law 67

“Codifying Contracts – An Idea whose time has come?” [2014] Current Legal Problems 273

Wider Research Interests

Common Law, Commercial Law, Restitution


Editor-in-chief, Professional Negligence Law Reports

Editorial Board, Lloyd's Maritime & Commercial Law Quarterly

Editorial Board, Journal of International Maritime Law