Recent publications (2008 onwards)



The New Global Trading Order : The Evolving State and the Future of Trade (with Ari Afilalo), Cambridge University Press (2008)

Edited Books and Textbooks

Meaning, Mind and Law (Collected Essays with Introduction), Ashgate Publishing (2008)

Articles and Chapter Contributions

Minds, Brains and Norms (with Michael Pardo), Neuroethics (Symposium Issue), forthcoming, (2010)
Rethinking “International Law”, Jotwell.Com, April 26, 2010

Philosophical Foundations of Law and Neuroscience (with Michael Pardo), 2010 Illinois Law Review 1211 (2010)
Postmodernism, in Blackwell Companion of the Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory, 2d ed Edition (Dennis Patterson ed.) (2010)
Statecraft ,Trade and Strategy: Toward a New Global Order (with Ari Afilalo), in Theorising the Global Legal Order 125 – 144 (Andrew Halpin and Volker Roeben, eds.), Hart Publishing (2009)
Disaccordo teroico e interpretazione, Ars Interpretandi (Annuario di Ermeneutica Giuridica) XIV, 65 - 78 (2009)
Statecraft, Trade and Strategy: Toward a New Global Order (with Ari Afilalo), 2 Int. J of Private Law 269 – 289 (2009) , also in The Dynamics of Trade (Sylvia M. Kierkegaard ed.), Proceedings of the International Association of IT Lawyers, 82 – 96 (2008)
From Conceptual Analysis to a Practice Theory of Law, in Concepts in Law (Jaap Hage and Dietmar Von Der Pfordten, eds) Springer (2009); Also published in Philosophy in American Law (J. Mootz ed.), Cambridge University Press (2008)
On the Conceptual and the Empirical - A Critique of John Mikhail's Cognitivism , (Symposium on A Cross-Disciplinary Look at Scientific Truth), 73 Brook. L. Rev. 1053 (2007-2008)

Wider Research Interests

International Trade Law



General Editor

Series: Principles and Theory of Law

Oxford University Press

New York and Oxford


Board of Editors, Legal Theory

Board of Editors, The Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence

Board of Editors, Ratio Juris

Board of Directors, Research Center for Legal Methodology (CERMEG) (Trento, Italy)

Publication Record



The New Global Trading Order : The Evolving State and the Future of Trade (with Ari Afilalo), Cambridge University Press (2008)

Diritto e Verità (translation of Law and Truth), Giuffré, Milano, in preparation (2007)

Edited Books and Textbooks

Meaning, Mind and Law (Collected Essays with Introduction), Ashgate Publishing (2008)

The Commercial Sales Transaction: An Introduction to the U.C.C. (with Richard Hyland), West Publishing (2d ed., 2006)

Wittgenstein and Law, Ashgate Publishing (2004)

Blackwell Anthology in Legal Theory, Blackwell (2003)

Articles and Chapter Contributions

Minds, Brains and Norms (with Michael Pardo), Neuroethics (Symposium Issue), forthcoming, (2010)
Rethinking “International Law”, Jotwell.Com, April 26, 2010

Philosophical Foundations of Law and Neuroscience (with Michael Pardo), 2010 Illinois Law Review 1211 (2010)
Postmodernism, in Blackwell Companion of the Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory, 2d ed Edition (Dennis Patterson ed.) (2010)
Statecraft ,Trade and Strategy: Toward a New Global Order (with Ari Afilalo), in Theorising the Global Legal Order 125 – 144 (Andrew Halpin and Volker Roeben, eds.), Hart Publishing (2009)
Disaccordo teroico e interpretazione, Ars Interpretandi (Annuario di Ermeneutica Giuridica) XIV, 65 - 78 (2009)
Statecraft, Trade and Strategy: Toward a New Global Order (with Ari Afilalo), 2 Int. J of Private Law 269 – 289 (2009) , also in The Dynamics of Trade (Sylvia M. Kierkegaard ed.), Proceedings of the International Association of IT Lawyers, 82 – 96 (2008)
From Conceptual Analysis to a Practice Theory of Law, in Concepts in Law (Jaap Hage and Dietmar Von Der Pfordten, eds) Springer (2009); Also published in Philosophy in American Law (J. Mootz ed.), Cambridge University Press (2008)
On the Conceptual and the Empirical - A Critique of John Mikhail's Cognitivism , (Symposium on A Cross-Disciplinary Look at Scientific Truth), 73 Brook. L. Rev. 1053 (2007-2008)
Twining's Complaint, University of Miami International & Comparative Law Review, 15, 2007, 61-67.

Moral Evaluation and Conceptual Analysis in Jurisprudential Methodology (with John Oberdiek), in Legal Philosophy, Ross Harrison ed., Oxford University Press (2007)

Law and Argument, 2 Acta Methodologica (Interpretazione Giurdica e Retorica Forense) 151 - 161 (Maurizio Manzin & Paolo Sommaggio eds., Guiffré, Milano, 2006)

Dworkin on the Semantics of Legal and Political Concepts, 26 Oxford J. Legal Studies 545-557 (2006)

Wittgenstein on Understanding and Interpretation (Comments on the work of Thomas Morawetz), 29 Philosophical Investigations 129-139 (2006)

Notes on the Methodology Debate in Contemporary Jurisprudence: Why Sociologists Might Be Interested, in Law and Sociology 254-258 Michael Freeman ed., Oxford University Press (2006)

Statecraft, Trade, and the Order of States (with Ari Afilalo), 6 University of Chicago Journal of International Law 725 - 759 (Winter, 2006)

Wittgenstein and Jurisprudence: Prolegomenon To Any Future Legal Theory, Law and Social Justice 231-237 (Joseph Keim Campbell, Michael O'Rourke, & David Shier, eds., 2005, MIT Press)

Cognitivism, in Encyclopedia of Law and Society: American and Global Perspectives, Sage Publications (2005)

Determinism, in Encyclopedia of Law and Society: American and Global Perspectives, Sage Publications (2005)

Interpretation in Law, 42 U. San Diego Law Review 685 (2005) (Symposium Issue devoted to Legal Interpretation).

Also published in Diritto e questioni pubbliche, v. 4, 241-259 (2005):

Spanish translation forthcoming in Colección de Estudios Jurídicos Mario Alario D’Filipo (ISSN: 0123-5133) No. XI (2006)

Aspirations, 36 Rutgers Law Journal 163-164 (Inauguration of Rutgers (Camden) Institute for Law and Philosophy), 2004

Preface to Wittgenstein and Legal Theory (Dennis Patterson ed., 2004)

Nonsense, 81 Texas Law Review 841 (2003) (Review Essay)(Reviewing: Vincent Descombes, The Mind’s Provisions: A Critique of Cognitivism, Princeton University Press (Stephen A. Schwartz, trans., 2001); Anthony G. Amsterdam & Jerome E. Bruner, Minding The Law, Harvard University Press (2000); Steven L. Winter, A Clearing In The Forest, Law, Life and Mind, University of Chicago Press (2001))

From Postmodernism To Truth In Law, 26 Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy 101 (2003)

American Jurisprudence: 1970-Present, in Oxford Dictionary of American Law, Oxford University Press (Kermit L. Hall ed. 2002)

Commercial Law, in Oxford Dictionary of American Law, Oxford University Press (Kermit L. Hall ed. 2002)

Statute of Frauds, in Oxford Dictionary of American Law, Oxford University Press (Kermit L. Hall ed. 2002)

What Is at Stake in Jurisprudence?, Endowed Lecture, 20 Oklahoma City University Law Review 173 (2003)

Normativity and Objectivity in Law, 43 William and Mary Law Review 325 (2001) (reprinted in Wittgenstein and Law (Dennis Patterson, ed., 2004)