What is Occupational Therapy?

Occupational Therapy aims to improve a person’s ability to do everyday tasks if they’re having difficulties brought on by changes to their physical or mental health and wellbeing.

An Occupational Therapist will take a whole-person approach to the barriers someone is facing. In doing so they will aim to improve their quality of life by restoring independence at home, work or in their social life.

What careers could be open to me when I graduate?

On graduation you will become eligible to apply to register with the Health and Care Professions Council and become a qualified Occupational Therapist. This will open the door to a variety of different settings in which an Occupational Therapist can work, including: within the NHS and other health settings, educational settings and within voluntary organisations. Many Occupational Therapists also work as independent practitioners.

Below you will find a more information about your potential career as an Occupational Therapist, from qualification, pay and the relationship between occupational therapy and other professional roles.

Students walking through SA1

Fully Funded Degree

Choosing to follow your passion for healthcare could pay. This range of degrees is fully funded via the NHS Wales Bursary Scheme. 

What this could mean for you is, if you commit to working for NHS Wales for a period after you graduate your tuition will be fully covered by the NHS Wales Bursary, as well as maintenance funding of up to £4,491 and the full amount of student loan from Student Finance.

Find out about the NHS Wales Bursary Scheme

Want to know more?

We have so much more we want to share with you, why not explore our Occupational Therapy course page or book on to our next undergraduate open day