In the latest Research Excellence Framework 2021 assessment, 86% of the University’s overall research was rated as world-leading or internationally excellent - up from 80% in the previous REF exercise in 2014.

We continue to be recognised for the impact of our research which makes real, positive difference to the lives of people across the world. 86% of our research, judged by a panel of REF experts, is making outstanding and very considerable impact in terms of reach and significance, at a local, regional and global level.

91% of our research environment is classed as world- leading and internationally excellent (and an increase in 6% points from REF 2014). This reinforces that Swansea University is an outstanding environment to conduct research as a student or an academic, and that our research makes a real difference in the world.

We work with partners and collaborators across the globe. With a history of inspiring research we are delivering significant, sustained, valuable economic and societal impact in Wales, UK and internationally.

Find out more about our REF 2021 results here


Research with us

We have a thriving research student community and are here to support your research journey.  

Through collaboration with other leading universities and industry partners, we are developing the next generation of pioneering researchers in future-facing disciplines, from AI and materials manufacturing, to social sciences and policy. Find out more about our Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs) and Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs). 

We offer a number of scholarships and awards for students pursuing PhD, MPhil, MRes or Master's by Research studies and training and development for research students and supervisors