Pilot line

Swansea University's Materials and Manufacturing Research Institute (M2RI) brings together world-leading research groups, cutting-edge computational and experimental facilities, and established UKRI-funded research hubs to foster collaborations at regional, national, and international levels.

Our Vision:

  • to pioneer the discovery of new materials and cleaner processing technologies, enabling improved products and processes while understanding their societal impacts.

Our Mission:

  • foster an inclusive community, bridging fundamental and applied research across disciplines
  • enable transformative and impactful multidisciplinary research and innovation in materials and manufacturing to address grand challenges with global impact
  • provide training and development opportunities for all members, cultivating the skilled people and teams essential for the future R&D workforce

Together, we are driving world-class research and impact in materials and manufacturing, advancing knowledge and innovation to support a sustainable future.

Research Themes

The themes have been chosen after community consultation in our first community event. The themes broadly align with EPSRC funding priorities, and as RCUK evolve their priorities, our main themes will also evolve. Theme champions will lead activities in the relevant research theme and will be part of the institute management board.

Our Partners

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