Dr Aled Singleton

Honorary Appointment (Science), Science and Engineering


I am an Honorary Research Fellow in Geography and Fellow of the Royal Geogrpahical Society. I am an HEA Fellow and teach across Human Geography, including climate emergy & sustainable development, globalisation, dissertation preparation, Berlin fieldtrip, and the MSc in qualitative research methods. My research interests concern long term emotional and affective attachments to space and place. My PhD research focused on the post-war environment: industrial renewal, increased private motor vehicles and semi-detached suburban living.  The includes a film from ESRC Festival of Social Science 2019 and final thesis Pursuing the Post-war Dream (2020). I have been a Wales DTP Postdoctral Research Fellow, funded through the ESRC, and Co-I for the OPTIC intergenerational climate change research & engagement project.

Areas Of Expertise

  • Human geography
  • Walking research
  • Attachment to place
  • Urban policy
  • Psychogeography
  • Creative practice
  • Reflexive methods
  • Globalisation

Career Highlights

Teaching Interests

I am a Fellow of the HEA and have been academic mentor to Year 1 and Year 2 students in BA and BSc Geography. Teaching incudes

2022-24: Geographical Skills (GEG100); Sustainable Development & Climate Emergency (GEG135); Globalisation (GEG130); Geographical Methods and Data Analysis (GEG277); Dissertation Preparation Skills (GEG278); Berlin Fieldtrip (GEG252B); Tourism, Heritage and Leisure (GEG220); Qualitative Research Methods (GEGM15)

2022: Guest lecturer MArch Sustainable Architecture - Centre for Alternative Technology

2021: Digital Theatre Commission, Open Source Wales researching digital space and film.

2021: Webinar facilitator for Society Dataset Digimap, University of Edinburgh

2020-2023: Lecturing and assessment for MA Creative Writing Non-Fiction – Swansea University (EN-M68)

2015-16: Development of ILM course on Motivational Interviewing techniques - with TSW Training

2015: Production of EmployMedia change management digital resource and toolkit - Bridgend Council

Research Award Highlights Collaborations