Dr Christopher Lowe

Dr Christopher Lowe

Lecturer, Biosciences

Telephone number

+44 (0) 1792 513116

Email address

Office - 015
Ground Floor
Margam Building
Singleton Campus
Available For Postgraduate Supervision


I am a lecturer in Marine Biology with a broad background of work in the intertidal and subtidal environment. I am interested in the use of sound, electrical and light energy to investigate marine life in situ.

I coordinate the Biosciences First Year and I am Head of the Marine Biology degree program at Swansea University. I am also the academic lead for the University's research vessels I teach a large part of the second year of the Marine Biology degree course, mainly focusing on boat based and field marine ecology as well as oceanography.

Areas Of Expertise

  • Environmental remote sensing through light and sound
  • Bio-optical oceanography
  • Plankton dynamics
  • Modelling human/environment interactions.
  • Environmental management and assessment.
  • EU and UK environmental policy and legislation