Grove Front Entrance

Dr Heidi Phillips

Associate Professor for Primary Care, Medicine

Telephone number

+44 (0) 1792 602747


Heidi has worked within the Graduate Entry Medical Programme since its inception in 2004, involved in the curriculum design, review and successful accreditation of the programme. She has taken numerous roles during her tenure, including: Primary Care Lead, Deputy Programme Director, Quality Assurance Director and Admissions Director. 

Heidi is currently Associate Professor for Primary Care and is leading on the development of a Primary Care Academy for which she won both the Swansea University Medical School Innovation Award and the BMA Cymru Wales/ BMJ Awards for Teaching and Learning Innovation (2019). She has also received the BMA Cymru Wales/ BMJ Clinical Teacher of the Year Award (2019) for her work with widening access. Heidi is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Educators, an Executive Board Member of the Medical Schools Council Selection Alliance and an Independent Board Member of Health Education and Improvement Wales. 

Areas Of Expertise

  • Primary Care
  • Patient Centred Medicine
  • Learner centred medical education
  • Widening Access
  • Recruitment and Retention of medical workforce

Dr Heidi Phillips

Associate Professor for Primary Care, Medicine
+44 (0) 1792 602747