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At Swansea University's Student Recruitment Office, we are always looking out for new information to share with schools to provide students with the best possible higher education support. Our blog posts are a great way to find out the latest news from Swansea University, alongside timely tips on helping your students through the UCAS process.

Keep an eye out for monthly posts from our Undergraduate Student Recruitment Officers, and please do get in touch if you would like to arrange personalised higher education sessions for your students on any of the topics mentioned.

Staff at conference table

UniTasterDays University Guides

Each guide has been produced by in collaboration with HELOA, to support students, teachers and parents to make brilliant future university decisions. Editorial has been provided by over 40 university experts, including colleagues from Swansea University!

The guides are split into sections designed to provide support in various parts of the higher education decision-making journey. 

Click on each image to download yours for FREE now - no registration required!