Students trying on jumpers at the university shop

Understanding the benefits of university can be key to advising your students on choosing the right pathway, especially if they are the first in their family to consider higher education.

Pursue a passion

University allows students to focus on one or two core subjects they have an interest in. This choice and flexibility can be a motivating concept after studying multiple subjects at school or college. Large lectures will introduce students to university-level topics, while smaller tutorial groups will allow for in-depth discussion. Students can also request 1:1 time with lecturers during open office slots, providing direct academic support.

Improve career prospects

Graduate prospect data is displayed in prospectuses and allows students to compare which degrees will provide them with the most job security in the future. At Swansea, 95% of our graduates are in employment, study and/or other activities such as travelling within 15 months of leaving the University (HESA, 2023). Some courses will also offer a year abroad or a year in industry, providing a range of experience to present to employers following graduation.

Gain independence

Although daunting, studying in a new place and living away from home provides students with independence. They need to manage their finances, organise domestic activities like cooking and cleaning, and make friends in an unfamiliar environment. University is a great way to practice these life skills, especially with the support of Student Finance and the Students’ Union, which most universities have. Friends for life are usually found at university, as socialising in halls, in lectures and in clubs and societies often connects like-minded people.

Develop key skills

As well as these domestic skills, university exercises students’ key skills. Time management is essential to organise independent study, initiative can be used for joining extra-curricular activities and their ability to communicate will be stretched in everything from group tasks to written assignments. Even if students progress into a career that doesn’t directly link to their degree subject, employers universally recognise the skills that a degree represents.

If you would like one of our Student Recruitment Officers to talk to your students about these benefits, you can request a talk from the team.