Welcome to the Department of Welsh

There is a long tradition of studying Welsh in Swansea, that stretches back to the University opening in 1920.

The academics within the Department of Welsh all have excellent reputations in their respective fields and have contributed to the cultural life of Wales as adjudicators at the National Eisteddfod, and as editors of magazines, such as Barn, Taliesin, Ysgrifau Beirniadol and Dwned. Three members of staff at the Department have also won the Chair and the Crown at the National Eisteddfod.

The members of the Department have expertise in the fields of literary criticism, Welsh literature over the centuries, editing texts, socio-linguistics, translation and the Laws of Hywel.

Students who have graduated from the Department have gone on to enjoy successful careers in education, local government, translation, the media, the publishing industry, business, and many other fields.