Thanking our speakers from this year's IPM symposium!

On behalf of the Natural Product BioHUB and IBMA UK, we would like to thank our speakers for highlighting the developments being made in the IPM sector.

Want to know a more about our speakers and their organisations? Take a look at the full 2024 IPM programme here >>

Our Speakers:

Dr Owen Jones
Dr John Caulfield
Dr Sheridan Woo
Jack Haslam

Vectors and Nuisance Pests

Dr Martyn Wood
Dr Richard Samuels
Dr Alicia Showering
Dr Richard Naylor
Dr Sare Yavasoglu
Dr Sanjay Basu


Dr Mary Ellis
Dr Nayem Hassan
Dr Dave Hallahan
Dr David Withall
Chris Wheeler

Tree Health

Richard Hunter
Dr Roger Moore
Dr Milan Pernek
Jarl Markus Pettersen
Lea Brandes
Euan Wilkie
Alice Snowden

Bee Health and Entomovectoring

Dr Erica Shelley
Dr Norman Carreck
Dr Pavel Foltan
Charlotte Coates
Dr Guy Smagghe
Dr Peter Arnold

Microbial Biopesticides

Dr Steve Edgington
Dr Tim Lacey
Bryan Limerick
Dr Alicia Showering
Dr Belinda Luke
Dr Colin Berry
Dr Rihem moujahed
Dr Imke Sittel
Dr Atif Jamal
Benjamin Moorlach
Dr Yury Noskov
Dr Vadim Kryukov
Javier Dominguez Caceres
Daniel Iddon
Sam Rivers

AI and Sensor Applications

Dr Ginu Rajan
Dr Martin Peacock
Dr Wei Zhang
Dr Adrian Crew
Carl Rentes
Dr Leshan Uggalla
Ross Haffenden
Dr Tim Lacey
Wanissa Mellikeche
Matthew Sparks
Dr Bahadir Kocer
Dr Shakir Al Zaidi
Philippe LeCarpentier

IPM Challenges

Dr Belinda Luke
Lori-Leah Griffiths
Dr Tim Lacey
Hannah Fenton
Martyn Cox
Professor Chedly Tizaoui
Dr Muhammad Musa Khan
Dr Federico Lopez-Moya

Multi-functional microbes

Dr Caroline Reid
Dr Vassili Kouvelis
Dr Hamad Saeed
Dr Garreth Thomas
Dr Nayem Hassan
Dr Ana Carolina Loreti Silva
Dr Javad Karimi
Dr Spiridon Mantzoukas
Dr Lucía-Adriana Escudero-Colomar

Regulatory Challenges

Dr Ian Baxter
Murray Smedley
Hassan Awashra
Dr Neil Audsley
Dr Barry Brogan
Alex Wilder
Evert Hamblok

Investment & commercialisation landscape

Mark John
Dr Laura Wilkinson
Dr David Pickernal
Dr Pedro Carvalho
Paul Laniran
Dr Fawsi Belblidia
Phil Sampson
Russell Greenslade
Carl Griffiths
Mike McMahon
Jason Coleman
Lee Wyndham

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