Image of Weiyi Li

Weiyi Li

PhD Media Studies

Why did you choose to study at Swansea University?
Swansea University is all about research, which means that students get to be involved in some pretty amazing projects. There's so much going on at the university, with loads of clubs, societies, sports teams and more. It's a great way to make friends and have fun, while also getting a well-rounded university experience.

How have you found the social life at Swansea University? Have you participated in any clubs, societies, or events?
The university hosts events such as orientation week, concerts, film nights and themed parties. As international students, the university provides us with specialised activities and support, such as cultural exchange sessions and international food festivals, as well as learning about the cultures of other countries.

How has your experience been adapting to the differences between your home country and the UK?
Language: English is not my first language, so I had some difficulties at the beginning, especially in listening to lectures and communicating with local students. However, through constant practice and the language support provided by the school, my English has improved significantly.

Food: The food habits in the UK are very different from those in my home country. I wasn't used to it at first, but then I discovered a lot of delicious British dishes, such as fish & chips and shepherd's pie. At the same time, there are many international restaurants in Swansea and I was able to find some familiar flavours from home.

Culture: Culturally, I was impressed by the British people's politeness and punctuality. I learnt how to better integrate into local social etiquette and picked up many new social skills. The British way of education places more emphasis on independent learning and critical thinking. I was a bit uncomfortable at the beginning, but through communication with my professors and classmates, I gradually learnt how to think independently and study effectively.

What kind of support have you received from the university as an international student?
Language support: the school provided English language courses and a writing centre to help me improve my English and academic writing skills.

Tutor system: Each student has an academic tutor who is always available for academic questions and study advice.

Study Skills Seminars: The school organises regular seminars on time management, exam techniques and research methods to help me improve my study efficiency.

Internships and job opportunities: The school has partnerships with many companies that provide internships and part-time job opportunities to increase my practical experience.

How would you describe your experience living in Swansea? What do you like most about the city?
The people in the Swansea community are very friendly and welcoming and have made me feel very welcome. Whether it was at university or in the city, everyone was helpful. As an international student, I also felt the diversity and inclusiveness of the community.

What advice would you give to other students considering studying at Swansea University?
Take advantage of the school's career development resources such as career counselling sessions, internships and part time jobs. Improve your English language skills through courses ran by the university and integrating with locals. Be socially active; Join various societies and clubs to make new friends and enrich your life after studying.

Is there anything you wish you had known before coming to Swansea that would have helped you?
The weather in Swansea is changeable and it rains a lot. Bring clothing adapted to the wet climate, such as a weatherproof jacket and a waterproof rucksack.