Food items stacked ready for donation at the Community Fridge

Distributing fresh food that would otherwise go to waste, to the Community  

Our partnership with Goleudy has been going from strength to strength over recent years, with us delivering Community Fridge events every term!  The Community Fridge aims to distribute food that would have otherwise gone to waste, helps to tackle food poverty and is open to all.

At our most recent Community Fridge event during Go Green Week, Goleudy gave away over 400Kg of food, for a suggested small donation of £2, amounting to over £20 of food in return. Volunteers from the local community and students on campus came together to create a supportive and welcoming environment for the event, helping our university community to access fresh, healthy food, tackle food insecurity, and reduce food waste.

It’s also a great way for students to reach out for more support from the University and for us as a team to pass information about our other sustainable events such as Repair Cafés, Gardening Sessions and SOS campaigns, which help teach sustainable practices, but also to provide life skills needed to help in our evolving world.

The Community Fridge also provides an opportunity for students who are working towards the HEAR-recognised Global Citizen Award to gain volunteering experience required for the award.  Students can read more about the Global Citizen Award and the United Nations' SDGs on Canvas.

You can read more about Goleudy’s charity work here.

Follow us on Eventbrite to be the first to know when our next Community Fridge is taking place on campus.

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