In a significant stride for international business cooperation, a delegation from the School of Management (SoM) recently visited Malaysia in July 2024. This visit was a key step in advancing the School’s Soft Landings Programme, a one-week intensive executive education initiative aimed at assisting Malaysian SMEs in expanding into UK markets.

During the visit, representatives from SoM engaged with stakeholders from SME Corporation Malaysia and Pernas. The discussions focused on refining and developing the Soft Landings Programme, which has been designed to provide Malaysian small and medium enterprises with the necessary tools and knowledge to establish a presence in the UK.

The delegation from SoM, comprising Dr. Dafydd Cotterell, Edward Miller, Suzanne Parry-Jones, and Lisa Rinaldi, reported a successful trip. Their efforts were met with enthusiasm and support from both SME Corporation Malaysia and Pernas, who extended exceptional hospitality to the visiting team.

“Our visit to Malaysia has been highly rewarding, where we now look forward to welcoming future SLP cohorts to Swansea. As a delegation, we would like to thank all who took the time to meet with us. Your kindness and hospitality left a lasting impression on the Swansea University delegation” said Dr. Dafydd Cotterell (delegation lead) from the School of Management.

The upcoming cohort's participation will mark a significant milestone in the programme, fostering stronger economic ties and shared successes between Malaysia and the UK.

This initiative highlights the commitment of both nations to fostering international business development and education. The collaboration aims to create a robust platform for SMEs to thrive and expand beyond their local markets, contributing to global economic growth.

The School of Management extends its gratitude to SME Corporation Malaysia and Pernas for their warm welcome and outstanding hospitality. Here's to stronger ties and shared successes in the future!

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