Image of Alex Pearson

Alex Pearson

United Kingdom
BSc Chemistry

Why Swansea:
I first came to Swansea in 2016 to pursue a physics degree. After graduating and spending some time on a Master's course at Durham University, I decided to switch subjects and pursue a degree in Chemistry at Swansea.

Why I Chose Chemistry:
I have had a great passion for science since primary school, with chemistry always fascinating me. The Chemistry programme at Swansea covers a wide range of intriguing subjects from various branches, ensuring there's always something new to learn. While lab work is challenging, it’s enjoyable and offers a great opportunity to see the practical applications of the theories we learn. The teaching staff are friendly, passionate, and always willing to help.

Favourite Aspects of Chemistry at Swansea:
The wide range of subjects within chemistry at Swansea means you can deepen your understanding of familiar concepts and discover new topics. The subject encourages knowledge crossover, and as a former physics student, I find it interesting to see how past knowledge can aid in understanding new concepts.

My Plans for the Future:
I am about to enter my second year of the course and plan to transfer to the Master’s programme to further my knowledge. Eventually, I hope to pursue a PhD and a career as a research scientist, deciding on the most suitable subject area based on my experiences.

My Recommendation of Swansea University:
Having studied two subjects at Swansea University, I can confidently say I have always enjoyed my time here and look forward to continuing my studies.