Image of Juan Corcho

Juan Corcho

BA Media and Communications

Why did you choose to study at Swansea University?
Swansea University offered me a pathway that did not require a foundation year. Instead, I would complete an integrated year, allowing me to receive an introduction to the educational system while also obtaining the same education as UK students. This made me feel included and acknowledged for my previous educational efforts.

What influenced your decision to study in the UK, and specifically in Swansea?
Location was definitely a very important factor when choosing a university in the UK. Through my own research, I discovered that Swansea offers many activities and being surrounded by nature made me love the idea even more.

How have you found the social life at Swansea University?
The variety of groups and societies has helped me find people with similar interests and spaces in which I can do the things I enjoy. Academically speaking, joining the media society helped me get to know more people doing my course or similar degrees. Sport is also important to me. The football society, Get Active activities, and many other spaces to practice sports helped me meet more people with aligned interests.

How has your experience been adapting to the differences between your home country and the UK?
People at the university have been extremely welcoming, making it easy for me to adapt to my new environment. Already having skills such as cooking and socialising helped me continue enjoying the food and activities I liked back home. Another important factor in adapting to Swansea was the existence of a Latin American society, where I met people with similar backgrounds, making me feel more at home.

What kind of support have you received from the university as an international student?
Swansea University's Go Global team has provided many opportunities for me to spend time with other international students, better understand the UK educational system, and feel heard when I need help. I remember that during Freshers' Week, they organised many social events where we could talk to other international students experiencing similar situations and challenges. This made it easier to adapt, knowing I was not the only one struggling.

How would you describe your experience living in Swansea? What do you like most about the city?
My experience so far has been very enjoyable. Swansea is a small but charming city that offers everything you could ask for. The freedom to move around easily, the short distances, and the feeling of safety are priceless qualities that Swansea provides. There are also a lot of pleasant people in Swansea that will do all they can to assist you. If you get lost or don’t know how to deal with a situation, ask anyone around for help and they'll most likely sort out the situation for you.

What advice would you give to other students considering studying at Swansea University?
One thing that helped me a lot, and I believe would help students considering Swansea University, is speaking to people who are already studying here to get an idea of what university life is like and to get excited about it. Platforms such as social media, live chats, and Q&A sessions (which Swansea University already hosts) enable students to connect directly with the university and start feeling like part of the community.

Is there anything you wish you had known before coming to Swansea that would have helped you?
A better explanation of the bus system in Swansea is probably important. I've experienced many instances where bus schedules change for specific events or seasons. I usually find out about these changes through emails from Swansea Transport.